Mark your calendar!
Dates: April 16, 30 & May 7 (& maybe 14, to be confirmed)
Time: 5 - 6:45pm PT / 8 - 9:45pm ET
This 3-session series begins on Tuesday, April 16th.
Check back on April 10th for the program and Featured Guests.
OR sign up for updates get details via email.
Attend one or all.
No cost to participate, but sessions must be booked in advance.
What's a screening salon? Click here for a taste!
Since late 2019, Stone Soup Ripple has produced and hosted over 50 online screening salons.
This is our give back and our way of building community among content creators and others.
Using a series format, these interactive online gatherings are hosted by Christine. Featured Guests join the group to introduce their film, which the group watches. Afterward, the group reconvenes for more conversation and sharing, with the Featured Guests participating as well.
Feel free to invite others to join us for these next ones, and prepare to be inspired and connected!
Here's where you'll see the program details.

Christine has been focusing on directing a character-driven doc feature film.
It's about the magic that happens when unhoused people move into 'forever homes" where their hopes and dreams can flourish. Along with the impact campaign, this will not only be about the courage it takes, but also about the support partners that make it possible.
Watch the promo reel, meet the team, including Producer and past Featured Guest Steven Ullman, Executive Producer J. Todd Harris and see how you can get involved.
We know that this will be a meaningful experience for everyone who joins us!